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Despair, Love and Loss: A Journey Inside West Virginia’s Opioid Crisis

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People suffering from drug addiction are commonly depicted at their most vulnerable — nameless refugees from a world of misery, washed up on city sidewalks or huddling beneath an overpass.

But the lives of these people, like all lives, are more than their lowest points; there is boredom, laughter, fatigue, friendship, scheming, desperation, love, loss and death. The addiction just lies beneath it all.

Since 2013, Mark E. Trent has been recording this life in his native Greenbrier County in West Virginia, the state with the country’s highest death rate from opioid addiction.

One afternoon, sitting in the grass watching a softball game with his friend Allie Rambo, he told her that he had been struggling, as a photographer, to find a way to depict the sheer scale of the drug epidemic.

“Stick with me,” she told him. And he has, for years.

He followed Allie and her circle of friends and lovers as they bought, sold and stole drugs in the streets of their little mountain town; as they injected in cold bathrooms and slept in one another’s arms. Not all of them survived.

“The highs were really high, and the lows were really low,” Allie said recently in an interview. “And it took me getting sober and being sober for a while to look back and be like, ‘That was all really low, man. That was all really low.”

Allie in Rainelle, West Virginia.

Allie Rambo tells her story below in her own words.

Greenbrier County in general, that place is just beautiful. It is like the most beautiful ugly place in the world. You can see the rivers and everything from on top of a mountain, but there’s just an underlying dark cloud that follows everything.

I moved there with my mom’s husband. I was young and I didn’t want to be there. I just followed trouble and mischief and it followed me. It escalated really fast.

By seventh grade my friend and I were stealing her mom’s Oxycontin or Xanax. Everyone I knew had a prescription for something.

The first time I took a shot of morphine I was like, ‘This is what I’ve been looking for. This is the feeling. This is the one that I was looking for.’

Allie freebasing a prescription opioid.

Allie high.

Allie and her friend Jessie taking stock of their money and pills.

Allie and Jessie.

Allie and Jessie high.

Allie with her girlfriend, Peakay.

Peakay was just a kid. I remember the first day that our friend shot her up. I cried, I begged her not to do it. Peakay kept saying, ‘Well if you don’t do it then I’m going to do it, and I’m going to hurt myself because I don’t know what I’m doing.’ And I still wouldn’t do it. And that friend of mine was like, ‘I’ll do it.’

I said, ‘Please don’t shoot her up. You know what you’re about to do.’ And she did it anyway. And a monster was created. Because it really is true, it only takes the one time.

Allie and Peakay freebasing.

Allie and Peakay asleep.

Peakay high.

Jessie comforting Peakay during a bad trip.

Allie shoots Peakay with a prescription opioid.

Peakay in a rearview mirror.

There were times whenever I was really strung out and I didn’t realize how bad I was. What you always say is, ‘Well at least I’m not doing it to anyone else. At least I’m not hurting anyone. I’m just hurting myself. I’m not sticking needles in anyone else. It’s just me.’ But I didn’t realize how much I’d hurt my family, and my mom.

The house where Allie, Peakay, Jessie and Barbie were living.

Allie after a shower at her mom’s house.

I don’t know how many people died in the house I was living in, I can’t even — three off the top of my head, because of drugs, overdoses.

But it just didn’t, it just didn’t hit me that way, I didn’t think — I wasn’t ready to see it that way I think. I feel like I had to go through everything I went through to be where I am.

Allie and Peakay lighting cigarettes.

Allie trying to get the last of an opioid out of a syringe by rinsing it with water.

A fight after Peakay found out Allie used without sharing.

Cooking pills for injection next to dinner.

Barbie really was like my big sister.

She told me a year before she died she had to go to the doctor for something. They couldn’t find a vein and she had to make them put it in her neck. And they asked about the scarring on her neck.

They asked her, ‘Do you shoot in your neck? Jesus.’ And she was like, ‘Yeah.’ And they were like, ‘You’re going to be dead in a year anyway.’ But I sort of didn’t believe it. Barbie really was invincible.

Barbie cooking pills.

Jessie injecting Barbie with morphine.

I was in Morgantown actually and someone called and said that they were just trying to make sure that we were O.K. because they heard that there were two girls found dead at the house on Locust Street.

And I was like, ‘I don’t know why you’d call me like that. I don’t even know you.’ It was like some random person that found my number. So I called my mom.

My mom said, ‘No, it’s true. Kim and Barbie were both dead and Barbie’s mom found them.’

Text messages on a phone found at Barbie’s house the morning after she and Kim overdosed.

Barbie’s prescriptions, found while cleaning out her house.

An X-ray of Barbie’s knee injury for which she was first prescribed opioids.

Peakay on the bed where Barbie and Kim overdosed.

You have people coming to you and they’re like, ‘I’m so sorry for your loss. Have a handful of Xanax, wash it down with this bottle of whiskey. I’ll be back with a big shot of heroin.’ You know what I mean, these people that are your friends that are trying to comfort you.

I got a lot of that. ‘Allie, I’m so sorry. Have some of this.’

Allie and Peakay helping to clean out the house.

Allie burning the last of Barbie’s things in the front yard.

Peakay and Allie after a long night.

Sometimes I thought it was fine; other times I thought, ‘How did I get here? What did I do?’ I was supposed to be somebody. I was supposed to do something great with my life. I was supposed to go places. I wanted to travel. I wanted to play basketball. I wanted to be all these things.

And instead I was living in a house with no electricity, crying in the bathroom because I can’t find a vein, miserable. Absolutely miserable.

It took me getting sober and being sober for a while to look back and be like, ‘That was all really low, man. That was all really low.’

Allie after being arrested for giving a friend pseudoephedrine.

Allie and Gina, now her wife, before they attended a recovery meeting.

For four months Gina and I were in a homeless shelter with a bunch of addicts. We made gratitude lists every night for what we were grateful for. Something that you’re grateful for with the letter A, B, C … that is hard. Gina would be like, ‘Give me something with the letter H that you’re grateful for.’

Gina sort of put things into perspective for me and helped me see it from an angle that I wasn’t looking, you know, about myself. Because I was like, ‘Who cares? I don’t even want to live this life.’ You know I’m going through all these things. And Gina’s just like, ‘You’re worth life. You don’t have to live that way. You can be free.’

She just told me that I deserved happiness and I deserved freedom. And when we say freedom it’s not freedom from chains or jail cells, it’s freedom from this thing that is on you no matter where you are in life. It doesn’t matter if you’ve never had a charge put on you in your life, that’s not the freedom I’m talking about. There’s a freedom inside, you know.

Allie and Gina.

Allie before a family reunion.

Allie and Gina at the Walk Against Heroin in Parkersburg, W.Va.

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